I have had a little redecoration , check out my new blogger theme !
I was thinking I need some redecoration around here and to tidy up my blog by giving it a new look thats more clean, tidy with more easier face for both the reader and myself. I didn't want something to complicated and messy either. I don't like the blogs thats have so much going on at the top that it distracts you from the actual post, id rather you read the post and enjoy the images and ideas in there than stop with googley eyes at my header and get so distracted by that , I will eventually edit a header photo but it wouldn't be anything to hectic. It's not my style. I love a good damn structure god damn structural engineers.
I have seen many companies offering to design something special for you, your unique template but for now thats a bit expensive, some of them charge a fair amount but others I personally think for blogging is far too much but not if you are creating a website or something similar. It would be lovely yes; though but thats day is not today. That and I would have to find someone who has a very similar artistic style to my own to help me create something special as i think your template is quite personal and is for me it has to reflect you and your personality, which is why i understand people going to designers for their template. Im going to show you my template and a few others from the designer i brought them from as i think they are well designed for their price.
I went to Esty to see if there was any pre made blogger templates that interested me and I found a designer Blogger Template , which really is all explained in their shop name ... below are some of the templates i considered purchasing before i finally made my decision. But be quick as they have a sale on at the moment and snap a new blogger template.
Professional template support by me to fix any kind of problems.
Two Column Layout.
Customizable fonts (size and font), template colors and background.
Add or change gadgets on sidebar.
Customizable social media links.
Change header text or upload your own logo/image.
Share on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google Plus links on every post.
Step-by-Step Installation instructions included.
Pinterest gadget.
Instagram gadget.
Included social media icons:
behance, facebook, twitter, bloglovin, dribbble, flickr, google plus, instagram, linkedin. pinterest, vimeo, youtube, vine, soundcloud, goodreads, deviantart, foursquare, reddit, tumblr, RSS, shop icon.
Professional template support by me to fix any kind of problems.
Two Column Layout.
Customizable fonts (size and font), template colors and background.
Add or change gadgets on sidebar.
Customizable social media links.
Change header text or upload your own logo/image.
Share on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google Plus links on every post.
Step-by-Step Installation instructions included.
Pinterest gadget.
Instagram gadget.
Included social media icons:
behance, facebook, twitter, bloglovin, dribbble, flickr, google plus, instagram, linkedin. pinterest, vimeo, youtube, vine, soundcloud, goodreads, deviantart, foursquare, reddit, tumblr, RSS, shop icon.
Professional template support by me to fix any kind of problems.
Two Column Layout.
Customizable fonts (size and font), template colors and background.
Add or change gadgets on sidebar.
Customizable social media links.
Change header text or upload your own logo/image.
Share on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google Plus links on every post.
Step-by-Step Installation instructions included.
Pinterest gadget.
Included social media icons:
behance, facebook, twitter, bloglovin, dribbble, flickr, google plus, instagram, linkedin. pinterest, vimeo, youtube, vine, soundcloud, goodreads, deviantart, foursquare, reddit, tumblr, RSS, Etsy (as a shop icon).
Professional template support by me to fix any kind of problems.
Two Column Layout.
Customizable fonts (size and font), template colors and background.
Add or change gadgets on sidebar.
Customizable social media links.
Change header text or upload your own logo/image.
Share on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google Plus links on every post.
Step-by-Step Installation instructions included.
Pinterest gadget.
Included social media icons:
behance, facebook, twitter, bloglovin, dribbble, flickr, google plus, instagram, linkedin. pinterest, vimeo, youtube, vine, soundcloud, goodreads, deviantart, foursquare, reddit, tumblr, RSS, Etsy (as a shop icon).
Professional template support by me to fix any kind of problems.
Three Column Layout
Customizable fonts (size and font), template colors and background.
Customizable social media links.
Change header text or upload your own logo/image.
Share on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google Plus links on every post.
Step-by-Step Installation instructions included.
Included social media icons:
behance, facebook, twitter, bloglovin, dribbble, flickr, google plus, instagram, linkedin. pinterest, vimeo, youtube, vine, soundcloud, goodreads, deviantart, foursquare, reddit, tumblr, RSS.
Professional template support by me to fix any kind of problems.
Three Column Layout
Customizable fonts (size and font), template colors and background.
Customizable social media links.
Change header text or upload your own logo/image.
Share on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google Plus links on every post.
Step-by-Step Installation instructions included.
Included social media icons:
behance, facebook, twitter, bloglovin, dribbble, flickr, google plus, instagram, linkedin. pinterest, vimeo, youtube, vine, soundcloud, goodreads, deviantart, foursquare, reddit, tumblr, RSS.
*all images belong to blogger template
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